Friday, October 21, 2011

I can feel it..

I can feel it comin in the air of the night...oh yeah...

Those are lyrics, by the way...  and yes indeedy I did feel it coming lastnight, right up my nose down my throat, those nasty cold bugs are back. I'm stuffed up this morning, and if I didnt have to go out, it'd be a wonderful day to sleep away.

We made a mutual decision to turn on the floors this morn...if only that darn sun would come out, I'm sure we could've lasted till november, but alas .. the time has come. We're both a bit excited to see how long it takes for them to start feeling warm, we've heard it can take awhile before the radiant heat is noticeable as it has to heat up all the concrete.

Every once in a while I have these moments where I envision the house in its building stages, or the huge hole that was here just 5 months ago...or even the hay field that this was for a number of years, and I'm just in awe of how we have a we live in... incredible!

Here are the concrete floors being finished

Heres a pic of the floors with the radiant heat pipes, before the concrete was poured over them.

And here is Gabe and I working at the tiling.. cross legged, that's how I laid the floor...sat on every square inch of this house before it was finished :)

And here is Dwight, Steve and Bill laying the laminate floor, it went down pretty fast...what a team :)

So needless to say after all that hard work, we're excited to finally enjoy the warm and cozy aspect of it all!

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